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What if the grass isn’t greener- Knowing when you should or shouldn’t leave your current job for pastures new

Take a look at the five signs we think might signal that it’s time to say goodbye No room for growth If there is no path for promotion or growth within your organisation (and this is important to you) you … Continue reading

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How to secure top talent and keep them

Before the interview Work with your recruiter to develop a thorough job description. Detail the key must have skills but keep in mind things you will be flexible on and consider transferable skills.  List key benefits, this is a job … Continue reading

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Is time killing your recruitment process? And why you should now forgive your recruitment agency from pushing you – a bit

  We regularly analyse our stats at ARV Solutions. Whilst we don’t target our staff on achieving KPIs we know the importance of measuring and understanding them, to see where we can keep improving. (We particularly measure ourselves on outcomes … Continue reading

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Jim features on the latest Structural Timber Association podcast

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How can you enhance your chances for promotion?

Know your job and do it well Exceeding expectations in your current role is a sure indicator you are ready for the next step. Achieving outstanding performance reviews will strengthen your position. Be a team player Ask how you can … Continue reading

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How to retain staff – A survey exploring recruitment and retention of shop floor staff in the Offsite Construction Industry

We spent six weeks speaking to a cross section of clients from the modular building, light gauge steel, timber frame, and timber engineering industries, gaining the thoughts of their Manufacturing and Operations Directors or HR Directors to understand their thoughts … Continue reading

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Offsite is dead? Long live MMC!

Developed by a specialist sub-group of the MHCLG MMC cross industry working group, this is a seven category definition framework that enables ‘a full and future proofed range of Modern Methods of Construction’ used in home building to be better … Continue reading

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CVs are flawed – Catching good candidates before they slip through the net

Catching good candidates before they slip through the net  It is not simply a case of sifting out the wrong candidates – we understand how to sift IN the good ones that might slip through the net, the ones whose CVs don’t reflect … Continue reading

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2020 hiring trends – Attracting candidates and standing out from competitors

Ensuring your business stands out from the competition will be key, what are your differentiators? Why should the top talent want to work for you?  According to a recent Glassdoor report three key trends to consider this decade are Culture, … Continue reading

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Guide for a smooth online interview

Find a quiet neutral space with good lighting Frame yourself correctly on the screen, keep your torso and hands visible Keep your notes in front of you Log in and get set up ahead of time. Ensure all technology is … Continue reading

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