Category Archives: Blog

Are candidates using you as a stepping stone?

If employees leave after months rather than years, it leaves you with a learner in the role much of the time. Why are candidates doing this—and what can you as an employer do to stop the hop? Why candidates could … Continue reading

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Could MMC solve the UK’s retrofitting challenge?

The UK needs to get its domestic buildings fit to meet its ambitious goal of net zero by 2050. We need a fast, scalable solution. That solution could be MMC (Modern Methods of Construction.) Right now, we still rely on … Continue reading

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Celebrating Milestones: A Month of Work Anniversaries at ARV Solutions

1 Year Anniversaries: Will, Annie, and Ciara We kicked off the celebrations by raising a toast to Will, Annie, and Ciara, who have each completed a fantastic first year with us. Their enthusiasm, creativity, and hard work have truly made … Continue reading

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Navigating the Skills Shortage: Strategies for Hiring Top Talent

Crafting Clear and Engaging Job Advertisements: When hiring top talent, your job posting is the first impression potential candidates have of your company. Keep it clear, concise, and inviting. Highlight not only the responsibilities but also the opportunities for growth … Continue reading

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Investors in People Awards: We’re finalists!

To make the final shortlist, we had to firstly get accredited at Platinum level – which only a very small proportion of accredited organisations get to attain – not too shabby eh – 9 year journey though! The highlights of … Continue reading

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Exhibiting at this year’s Offsite Expo

Exhibiting at this year’s Offsite Expo There’s nothing like chatting with fellow exhibitors, learning what they do, and seeing the range of materials and solutions in real life.  Not just from a website or brochure. Set up Setting up our … Continue reading

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Celebrating 20 years of ARV Solutions

“Welcome to our guests, staff and all the partners here today. Thank you for joining us. We are here to celebrate the first 20 years of the voyages of ARV Solutions and her crew. The guest list was clearly chosen … Continue reading

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Building a Sustainable and Efficient Future in Offsite Construction

Offsite construction has caught the attention of both clients and candidates in the industry, as reflected in our recent LinkedIn poll results. With 44% of respondents acknowledging its efficiency benefits and 28% recognising its sustainability advantages, it’s evident that offsite … Continue reading

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Investors in People – Platinum Award

We didn’t plan on any major changes since the accreditation – except to up our game on the business development front and in developing newer markets to keep our growth moving. (we are doing a lot more in Facades, Steel … Continue reading

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Artificial Intelligence and Architecture: Working Together or a Concern for the Future?

Can AI Replace Architects? In the world of architecture, most leaders believe that AI won’t completely replace architects. They think AI lacks important skills needed for complex architectural work. Also, AI needs to work well with humans to be useful … Continue reading

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