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Celebrating Milestones with the Team at ARV Solutions

Director, Deb Roach,  is keen to find new adventures and our  latest event was a  pottery workshop, where we celebrated our Associate Director Rob Elford’s 40th birthday and, as always, linked our event to the Five Ways to Wellbeing. Creative … Continue reading

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Does your CV help you stand out from the crowd or is it just a list of job descriptions?

“Recently I submitted a CV to a client who gave the feedback “too wordy”.  Looking again at the CV (we never edit the content of our candidates’ CVs, as we feel it’s a reflection of the individual) I noticed it … Continue reading

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Celebrating Platinum Investors in People and discovering new talents!

   We have been celebrating achieving Platinum Investors in People and discovering new talents! Our Platinum accreditation report included the comment:   “Your engagement and empowerment of people has developed organically. You enable people to bring out their natural talents … Continue reading

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Making Connections – Mental Health Awareness Week

As it’s Mental Health Awareness Week – with a focus on loneliness – we thought it would be good to talk about the challenges hybrid working brings to organisations and their teams.  When lockdown was announced in March 2020, working … Continue reading

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ARV Solutions – First Careers Fair in a while!

It’s been a while since we attended a careers fair and the team weren’t sure how successful it would be   Phoebe, Callum and Deb arrived at Novotel in Bristol armed with all manner of crisps, fizzy drinks and chocolate  as … Continue reading

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UK Construction Professional Bodies Commit to a More Diverse Future

The six organisations signing the Memorandum are Chartered Institute of Building (CIOB), Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE), Landscape Institute (LI), Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA), Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) and the Royal Town Planning Institute (RTPI).   This … Continue reading

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ARV Volunteer Day at Avon Needs Trees

Last Friday a working party  (Phoebe, Tommy, Terry and Lewis) ventured out for ARV’s first volunteering day of the year to Avon Needs Trees’ Hazeland site to care for and develop the land. Phoebe Scott, account manager, shares her experience: … Continue reading

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Charity fundraising for 2022 with a Poker Night at ARV Solutions

ARV are delighted to be supporting two brilliant charities this year: Lighthouse Construction Charity – a national organisation supporting improved mental health for people working in the construction sector. Lighthouse Club – The Construction Industry Charity Avon Needs Trees – … Continue reading

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