It’s easy enough to sell yourself as a market leader: if you say it enough, some will start to believe it. But is that enough? That’s why we’re big on supporting offsite sector awards and events.
At ARV Solutions, we have worked hard over 17 years to deserve and to maintain our market leading status. There are many metrics to justify our claim: most vacancies, longest heritage, most specialist staff, most clients, most candidates placed, and Trade Association Memberships to name a few. However, the most visible way is through our ongoing sponsorships and exhibiting, and we can’t wait to get back to live events!
Over many years now, we have sponsored the Offsite Awards and Structural Timber Awards, as well as exhibiting at many key industry shows, including: Futurebuild, UK Construction Week (previously Timber Expo), Offsite Expo, Explore Offsite, Modular Matters and more.
Exhibiting is a great marketing opportunity, and the best brand awareness for our recruitment business, uniquely setting us apart from other recruiters. It is important to us that we are part of the shows, rather than just visiting to hand out business cards. The learning and information sharing gained, is so important, if you really want to have the most up to date understanding of where the sector is, and where it is heading.
Why don’t other recruiters commit in this way? Well, the investment in people time, as well as money, is substantial, and it is also easy to exhibit and get little from it if not done well.

Sponsorships give us a great profile, but more than this, they are an opportunity to invest back into the sectors that we rely on for our business. Speaking at the Offsite Awards is a unique opportunity to introduce ARV Solutions to over 400 business leaders in one space, and this year will be a sit down dinner event during Offsite Expo.
The ARV Solutions balloons at the Structural Timber Awards have become legendary (getting in on every photo opportunity!). Whilst our motive is promotion of our business, it is always heartening to receive the regular thank yous for the support to the sector. Far more valuable than making phone calls!
The true proof of a recruitment business is whether they can fill your vacancies, or find you the best career move, but our exhibiting and sponsorships also set us apart. You will always find experienced knowledgeable staff at our stands, who you can be confident in to understand your needs. The visibility from exhibiting and sponsorships helps attract the best candidates across the market too. Which is supporting offsite sector awards and events is so important to us.
Don’t wait to see us at a show though! If you are looking for a move, or looking to hire, talk to us today! Then we can celebrate together when we next meet!
Jim Roach
Managing Director, ARV Solutions
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