A retained service is a more cost-effective solution for clients than Search and Selection where agencies typically ask for a third of fees upfront with no refund. We ask for £950 – that’s less than 1/5th upfront on average, and we are so confident in our approach, that we are offering a no quibble refund on retained fees if we don’t find suitable candidates for you. What have you got to lose?
Working on a retained basis enables us to add in services that have an actual cost to us, such as enhanced job board advertising, psychometric profiling, and providing an advanced video interview platform and client Applicant Tracking System. We will also keep the candidates you select for interview exclusive to you. We can also offer benefits which have an increased risk to us, such as extended rebates. With a real commitment to working with us, the most committed clients will get the most time spent on their roles. (Significantly more is required than just a quick CV search on LinkedIn as a renowned Brewer recently posted on Twitter!)
Carrying out video interviews on behalf of clients takes more time than telephone qualification (time that is well spent for the benefit it brings all parties; particularly sharing the recordings, potentially with numerous clients). Pre-recorded video interviews allow clients to make time-saving, by cutting out the first interview stage and make informed decisions with confidence.
So by asking for clients to cover some of our additional overheads upfront, and commit to work exclusively with us, enables us to provide a hugely enhanced service. We believe no one will go back having tried it.
Get in touch or find out about our new ARVIEW service here 
How can ARVIEW can work for you? To discuss your recruitment needs and our new ARVIEW service please contact Jim Roach, Managing Director of ARV Solutions | 0117 959 2008 | Jim.Roach@arvsolutions.co.uk