We launched the offsite construction salary guide from ARV Solutions at our stand whilst exhibiting at Offsite Expo.
There was huge interest, as always. The guide always sparks comment – from employees (often seeking an increase) and employers (often thinking the levels are inflated). The reality is, that these are the levels people are getting when moving jobs currently.
Within the guide there are ranges – Low to High. These can broadly be construed as either related to scale of business, or to geography.
There will always be variations beyond the scope of this guide, and we are always happy to consult with clients on more specific salary benchmarking exercises.
Many roles have seen considerable increases over the last year, particularly in design and technical areas. Sales roles have largely remained steady, though experienced significant inflation in the previous guide.
Candidate availability remains restricted. With more economic confidence and signs of growth this could improve, with more people looking around, rather than staying put. There is evidence that people are staying in underpaid jobs (for their experience level) currently, though any improvements in the outlook are likely to change this.
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offsite construction salary guide from ARV Solutions