Our furry friend is a vital member of our team at ARV Solutions. As its National Dog Day, we would like to explain exactly what being a ‘Canine Support Assistant’ entails and how Mo is the perfect fit for the job.
At ARV Solutions, Adding Real Value to your recruitment needs is at the core of our company culture. As a team of offsite industry experts, our days are often spent busy on phone calls to candidates, clients, and potential leads. Researching and working collaboratively to ensure we always get it right the first time.
In such a vibrant working environment, Mo’s role as Canine Support Assistant is more than just a job title. You can count of him to execute his responsibilities to the best of his abilities, and he is always happy to help a colleague as a willing candidate for a fuss and some friendly affection. Health and safety are at the forefront of Mo’s mind, with a keen eye for detail, he ensures no crumb is ever left dirtying the office floor. Mo believes that alerting stranger danger is key to protecting our team members, always ensuring we are informed of potential danger threats when the door buzzer rings, or an unfamiliar face enters the building.
In short, Mo is a friendly face and positive energy in our office. Studies has shown that just the presence of a dog can reduce anxiety and simple interaction can raise levels of serotonin and dopamine in the body, reducing stress-related hormones and soothing feelings of worry. Along with plenty of love, Mo’s important position within ARV comes with a fair package, which ensures he is always one happy and healthy pup.
Head to Our Team page to learn more on Mo, his colleagues, and see how WE can Add Real Value for YOU.

A few extras from Mo’s photoshoot