We can carry out your first-round interviews for you! This is the biggest single win from a professional video interview platform for me. A client, able to log in anywhere, anytime, on a PC or phone, and watch pre-recorded short video interviews alongside a CV and concise Consultant notes, is such a game-changer and real time saver.
It is frequently the case that after handpicking and communicating with appropriate candidates we send off their CVs and can wait two weeks, sometimes more, for a client to find the time to read them (If the client is working with multiple agencies this process can take even longer – Read our recent article on why using multiple agencies doesn’t work). Clients will then receive nagging calls and emails chasing for feedback and leading them to believe agencies are too pushy. The trouble is the candidates are pushing, and good candidates will often have other opportunities on the boil. On average, they are likely to be further down a process with some other roles than with yours, so time is of the essence, as they could get snapped up before you’ve even glanced at their CV. We see it happen every week both to our, and the client’s frustration.
Once the CVs have been read, it is our job to match busy diaries, ensure candidates can take time off, make travel arrangements etc – and this can take up to another 2-3 weeks for all interviews to be done. All this can be resolved with a far less painful view of a recorded interview – 4 weeks or more saved!
Initial Interviews with clients can also be done online, saving time, fuel, days off, blocked out days in the diary, endless meeting arrangements. Clients can meet candidates from any location in the world, then share comments with the recruiter, all in the same platform – or you can then choose to use your own video conferencing facilities if preferred.
You only need to hold full length interviews – whether via video or face to face, with candidates you have already read about, and seen being interviewed by the recruiter. We can even ask candidates your own preferred questions. You can then move forward and spend more time with those you could potentially employ. Narrowing down your chosen candidates confidently in a really short amount of time; speeding up the process and making sure they don’t lose interest or get snapped up by a competitor.
Online interviewing is fast becoming the ‘new normal’ and has real value in the recruitment process. Allowing you to save time and make better more informed decisions in confidence. Simple.
ARVIEW is available at the same or lower fees than contingency recruitment – for clients who understand the benefit of working exclusively for an agreed period of time.
Find out about our new ARVIEW service here. 
To discuss your recruitment needs and our new ARVIEW service please contact Jim Roach, Managing Director of ARV Solutions | 0117 959 2008 | Jim.Roach@arvsolutions.co.uk