ARVIEW, was developed to enable employers to save significant time and greatly improve the recruitment process as well as improving the quality of hires. Our advanced client portal enables you to make a more informed decision, with more confidence and in less time.
- We were highly confident the new systems and processes we have recently developed would lead to better recruitment, but confidence is one thing, and results another!
- We believed that carrying out first interviews via video, on behalf of the client, would save considerable time (often saving 4 weeks), by allowing us to carry out this stage as soon as we identified strong candidates, ensuring early interest and real investment from candidates.
- We were also confident it would allow candidates a better chance of getting in front of our client, and provide them with the opportunity to really showcase their skills in a more effective way than a CV alone.
Working exclusively with clients has enabled us to take the time to do the extra work of first round interviews, without losing out in a CV race and with no confusion over who introduced a particular candidate. In fact, the process doesn’t take much longer than carrying out our telephone vetting interviews, and we have the added bonus of now being able to visually share key communications we have had with potential candidates. One really useful benefit is that we can bookmark each question throughout the video, allowing clients to navigate candidate’s answers easily and swiftly.

First case study – ARVIEW progress at 7 weeks
- 7 vacancies
- 1000 applications
- 22 second interviews to date
- Suitable candidates across all vacancies
- 3 starts to date
One of our first clients on the platform is working with us on a fully exclusive retained basis. A small up-front retainer fee was agreed, as well as competitive success fees, based on their commitment to work with us exclusively, on 7 new and key vacancies.
In addition to searching our candidate database of over 70,000 candidates, we had almost 1,000 additional candidates apply via the enhanced advertising service we are able to provide to retained clients. Each was individually vetted by our team, and responded to, whether successful or not.
The client’s Managers have their own login to their own branded and secure area in the ARVIEW portal. They can view their vacancies, and applicants to each, provide feedback and arrange interviews.
For each candidate we can share their CV, alongside our consultant notes and a pre-recorded first-round interview, specific to the role. This particular client would not claim to be the most tech-savvy, however, the platform is designed for simplicity of use, and proved to be so.
We started a phased recruitment process in mid-May in order of priority of each role for the client. Three of the seven vacancies have so far been filled and candidates have started work in weeks four, five, and six since we started the recruitment process! So far, we have arranged twenty-two-second interviews covering all vacancies, with further offers expected, entirely in line with their phased plan – watch this space!
The effectiveness, of the new ARVIEW platform and process, has exceeded our high expectations, and will form the core of our recruitment service going forward. From this initial success, we have already signed up further clients to the ARVIEW service with numerous further employers keen to work this way when next recruiting.
Additionally, we are now getting successes from showcasing candidates to clients where there is no specific role yet. Whereas previously we would send a CV from interest in our candidate profiles, we can now support this with a pre-made video interview recording – the first-round interview completed! This is already resulting in second interviews with clients, as well as time saved ruling out those who don’t fit, without the need for a lengthy face to face interview to realise this.
An efficient way of working all round!
Find out about our new ARVIEW service here. 
Find out how ARVIEW can work for you .To discuss your recruitment needs and our new ARVIEW service please contact Jim Roach, Managing Director of ARV Solutions | 0117 959 2008 |